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It's the oldest profession in the world and as long as there are customers, there's going to be people doing it, unfortunately. A look at the data shows they might actually be Hollywood —but, West always, the truth is Prostitutes complicated than a set of numbers.

Once in a while when there is a prostituted girl that wants to come out of this business, we'll help that person out. The former is iconic, a shorthand for strangled ambition as much as wild fame; the latter is the manifestation of an obscure local traffic law. Mimi — who wore a black dress and red Converse sneakers — said she had been on a waiting list at the LGBT Center for two months and planned to visit other shelters next week. But the situation here is remarkably bad. Several dozen volunteers have met five times since January for the Midnight Stroll — an initiative organized by various LGBTQ groups and Los Angeles city agencies that reaches out to those on the street, including transgender sex workers and the homeless population.

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